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Writer's pictureTanuj Suthar

Trick or Truth

“Ma’am.. you don’t.. we don’t really have to do this. We have enough evidence already.” The newbie tries one more time to talk me out of the plan.

He pulls to a halt a hundred meters away from the ostentatious building.

“Tip number 57 newbie. The more the evidence, the better.” I say, my eyes scanning the area for any possible danger. “Oh, you’re so screwed Declan McCarthy,” I murmur to myself with an evil smirk on my face.

“The name is Aaron.” He reminds me scornfully.

“Keep reminding me, maybe one day I will actually call you that.” Seriously, why did that old goose set me up with a naïve new guy? We’ll have to talk about this later. “Camera,” I say to him before getting out of the car.

I dart towards the nearest building whose shadows camouflage us and also provide a good view of McCarthy's building.

As informed by my sources, the truck carrying illegal artillery arrives exactly at 10:45.

I slide down the wall beside Aaron who is kind of freaking out.

“Quick recap. You take pictures of McCarthy with the truck driver, and also of the number plate. Then I distract them. Once they are out of sight, you click pictures of what’s inside the truck. Then you run to the car where I would be waiting for you. Clear?”

He gives a shaky nod.

“I want an answer. I will not tolerate any mistake, get it?”

“Yes ma’am.” His voice wavers but he’ll be fine. It’s me whom I should be worried about.

Declan comes out and Aaron clicks the pictures. The small explosives in my hand aren’t of any good at this distance.

I get up and set my eyes on the building behind this one.

I set off, at full speed, and duck behind the trash box. The explosives fly from my hand, cross through the air, and land on the opposite side of the truck. Good shot, Kiera! I praise myself.

The explosions take place and the group disbands. They run to the opposite side.

I expect Aaron to come quickly but the coward takes slow cautious steps. We don’t have enough time. They will be back soon.

I sprint to him and snatch the camera from his hands. “Go back to the car,” I order furiously.

I go to the rear of the truck where boxes are lying open. Perfect.

As I turn to go back to the car, one of them returns. His eyes widen upon seeing me and the same happens with me.

He runs to me and I set off to the car. I’ll be dead if he catches me. My feet take me away from him as fast as possible. A few others join him.

I’m not gonna make it to the car.

Just then, Aaron brings the car to the end of the street and opens the shotgun door. I scramble inside and we drive off.

“That.. was close,” I say, heaving. “Did you have fun, newbie?”

He smiles. “Most definitely not.”

I laugh.


“Cheers to the success of this mind-boggling story!” The President, Nikolai Ivanov, starts. “And to our temerarious crime reporter Kiera Martin.”

People look at me and raise their champagne glasses in a toast. There are not many on our table tonight. The soon-to-retire head journalist of the crime department, the president, the editor in Chief, and heads of departments of economy, politics, and finance.

And Aaron the newbie who looks highly uncomfortable. But being my partner in crime, he had to come.

“Temerarious? Woah that’s offensive Mr. Ivanov.” I say to the president once he settles back down in his chair.

He shifts his attention to me. One of his cruel thick dark brows arched and his lips curl up in a smirk. His dark hair neatly combed, and green-gray eyes scanned my face amusedly.

How can someone so young be the president? But then again, he is uncannily sharp-minded.

“I know what happened yesterday. Aaron told me.” He says, his voice thick with a Russian accent.

“Spying on me?” I give him the same arched brow and smirk.

“Have to take care of the chairman’s spoiled daughter.” He teases and winks.

“You are underestimating my skills by highlighting that I am the chairman’s daughter.” I fake offense.

“Oh no, I wouldn’t dare. I don’t want to become your next target.” He replies and we both laugh. “Jokes apart, Kiera, you should stop doing this. You will be the head of the crime department by Monday, your life is set now.”

“Oh, no. I am not stopping anytime soon. It’s what I’m good at. It’s what I do.” I disagree.

He opens his mouth to say something but decides against it. No one can talk me out of anything. I’ve been this way since I was a kid.

The dinner goes on with small talks and laughs. I’ve always liked the atmosphere here in this restaurant. The safety of South Charleston mixed with soothing music, good food and the lavish ambience.

“Excuse me.” I say and go to the restroom.

My heels click clack on the floor of the narrow corridor. The champagne in my blood makes my brain light and fills my heart with the joy of success. I start humming a song.

My feet automatically start dancing to the beats of the song. Now I am dance walking.

I stumble on my own leg and brace myself for the fall that’s about to come. But it doesn’t. A pair of hands on my arms steady me.

My head snaps up and I come eye to eye with Aaron.

“Careful.” He says.

Something’s strange. He does not seem like the cowardly newbie now. Not at all. He gives me a smirk. Like he knows what’s going on in my head. Suddenly, he transforms from the scared new guy to a sly man.

I shrug out of his grasp.

“You’ve had way too many drinks ma’am.” He returns back to the guy I know.

Did I just imagine all that?

When you take interest, you find that he is actually very good looking. Light blond hairs with a dimpled smile, square jaw and light blue eyes.

I wave him off and continue walking to the washroom. But the image of sly Aaron stays in my head all the way to the restroom.

Our channel rented the hall for the night so automatically the adjacent restroom also came under our autonomy. It’s not the usual restroom with many stalls. It just has one.

The door to the male and female are adjacent, almost joining. I had to be careful not to barge into the men’s room.

I turn the doorknob and the door swings open. I gasp loudly upon witnessing the sight inside.

A young girl whom I’ve never seen before is lying on the floor. Blood is oozing out from the left side of her abdomen and she has bruises all over.

I rush to her side. “Are you okay? What a dumb question, of course you’re not.”

“He.. help.. me..” She says and whimpers.

“Someone help!” I shout. I don’t think anyone heard us. I get up. “You wait here. I’ll bring someone. I’ll be back I promise.”

The tears of pain in her eyes break my heart. I jog back to the dining room.

“Help.. there’s a girl in the washroom… stabbed!” I shout.

Nikolai rushes to my side. He pushes the hairs back from my face. “What’s wrong?”

“Come with me.” I grab his hand and pull him with me to the washroom. Others follow.

I open the door and gasp again.

But this time because there is no one there.

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