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Writer's pictureTanuj Suthar

To me,

To me,

Have you ever heard of time making you a better person? You are 25 years old now, and it has been six years since you passed that chapter of your life, which provided you with a learning curve. Think about it now. I turn 20 in the next 4 months, and maybe I will get to where you are at that point in life.

College wasn’t easy; we all agree on that. Both of us have expected that every chapter of our lives turns out to be better than the previous, but mistakes or skipping essential portions of that story led us to regret.

As a 19-year-old student, some things always make me regret, which involve both academic and social situations. To tell you some good news, this is the first time I’m proud of myself because career decisions are what matter to me the most. After almost 4 years of studying psychology, which I initially presumed to be a good choice, it turns out that it isn’t my calling and that I should be pursuing a different career, which would be. Since I’m talking to you, my future self, I’m proud of you for choosing it and am glad to know you’re doing well.

Mistakes happen, and those consequences intensify the older you grow because what I have learned is that until you reach the age of 20, the mistakes you make are learning curves that help you to toughen up, but some mistakes that one makes become like a lifelong regret. Social situation? I believe that you have matured enough judging by the fact that you cannot repeat the mistakes I made in college.

Until now, all the decisions I've made have been regretful, but I still hold on to the fact that this chapter of my life shall close soon, and I’ll be there in your shoes, living the life you imagined. All these little, what do I say, "errors" that affected both you and me have given us the path to being better individuals.

That's all for today; I shall write back to you soon!

Take care.

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