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Writer's pictureTanuj Suthar

How to Master Optimism?

Imagine a scenario, where you fail again and again, still, no matter what, you can handle adversities and failures. If there was anything worthy to be sought after, then it should be optimism. Well, there is a secret potion or should I say a Magical formula which anyone can use.

Understanding the basics

Before I give you the formula, first, we must understand the difference between sensation and perception in laymen’s language…


It is a mental process (such as seeing, hearing, or smelling) resulting from immediate external stimulation. Here, an external stimulus is present.


It is a result of perceiving (i.e. to attain awareness or understanding of).

So, sensations might be the same, but perception has a higher chance of being different for two persons.

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." ~Albert Einstein

We must know that “How we see the situation” affects our mood and eventually our behavior. Based on our inference or perception of the situation, we change our experienced emotions and behavior, thus, affects our overall well-being.

The Two Cases which explains the magic formula:

Case 1:

Personal + Permanent + Global ——> Pessimism 

Eg.: I always find ways to get myself in trouble. I am unhealthy. I did badly in my physics exam, so I will fail in every future entrance exam for college admission.

By saying "always", the person defines the situation as if having no solution to be out of it. Also, after adding the tag "Unhealthy" to self, it limits the scope of opportunity to bounce back. Since the opportunity to act by being situation-focused is less and people find it hard to change a trait attached to their identity, it makes people not improve upon the situation they are in. In the last, the person engages in broadening the scope damage by proclaiming that it is this failure that will affect all the chances of success in the future. To describe the situation using an analogy, it is like the person locks self in jail and does the honor of giving away the key of freedom.

Case 2:

De-personalized + Temporary + Specific —–> Optimism  
#Formula for Optimism!!!

Eg.: My ill-health affected my physics exam, which was out of luck. This happened only today, thus, this doesn’t define me. I can still do better in the rest of the exams and improve my overall percentage.

Here, in this case, the person has reasoned the cause behind the failure as external. Therefore, the person gave self the space and time required without engaging in senseless worry of the past. Next, the person accepts that this has happened just once and still has a chance in the future to perform better. Thus, grants self the opportunity required to bounce back and have a growth mindset. Also, the person engages in damage control by defining the scope of the problem and how he can improve upon it in the worst case.

Whenever we try to incorporate these three words (De-personalized, Temporary & Specific), we engage in being optimistic. These cases explain how people read the situation differently and why some react differently to the same situation. It's important to know that optimism is not just a trait but a Habit (Verb) that can be cultivated! As explained in the book, Learned Optimism. (Seligman, 2006)

One must depersonalize the situation and circumstance and assume it to be temporary. Also, be specific while concluding anything.


We hope that by now you might have understood how to master optimism and live life to the fullest. If not, then please keep checking our blog for more content regarding optimism.

Just remember:

  1. The situation or circumstance must be De-personalized.

  2. Setbacks and failures are temporary.

  3. Try to be specific about what you say/conclude about the situation. Also, engage in damage control instead of restricting yourself.

Please Note:

Please do read our "what have we learned today?" section below to recall and memorize the Secret/ key points.

What have we learned today?

De-personalized + Temporary + Specific —–> Optimism #Formulaforoptimism!!!

Also, Happiness increases by sharing it, So Please Do share this and make a difference.

We would love to hear your story of finding optimism, so please do share it in the comment section and we will share it to inspire billions!!!


Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Sensation. In dictionary. Retrieved May 16, 2021, from

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Perception. In dictionary. Retrieved May 16, 2021, from

Seligman, M. E. P. (2006). Learned optimism: How to change your mind and your life. New York: Vintage Books.


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