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Writer's pictureTanuj Suthar

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: Watching a Movie from a Psychology Student's Perspective

About the Movie...

The movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a 2004 movie directed by Michel Gondry

and written by Charlie Kaufman. It is an American, romantic, science fiction film. It stars Kate

Winslet and Jim Carrey as the main protagonists. The movie consists of an ensemble cast also

starring Kirsten Dunst, Mark Ruffalo, Elijah Wood and Tom Wilkinson.

“How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot.

Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;”

The movie opens showing a confused Joel (Carrey) waking up on his bed with no idea of how

his apartment is in such a mess. He goes for this work as usual, and decides to take the train to

his work, but instead misses that train and decides to go to Montauk, still confused why.

Throughout his journey, he is shown to be very confused. As he is travelling in the train, it is

shown that he maintains a journal which he fills every day, but that day he realizes that some of

the pages from his journal is missing. As he is trying to understand the situation and fill his

journal, he encounters Clementine (Winslet). Clementine is shown as girl who often changes

her hair color and is dressed hastily. (“Clementine Kruczynski: I'm just a messed-up girl looking

for my own piece of mind, I'm not perfect.”) Joel is weirdly attracted to Clementine, because of

her impulsivity and charm. Clem keeps talking to Joel. Joel, though interested, does not engage

in a lot of conversation. (“Clementine Kruczynski: I'm gonna marry you... I know it! Joel Barish:

Erm... Okay.”) As the movie proceeds, it is shown that Joel and Clemetine have had previously

dated, and have met before on the beach in Montauk, when Joel was still dating his

ex-girlfriend. Now in the backstory- Joel and Clementine form an instant connection and start

dating. (“Clementine Kruczynski: Hi, I'm Clementine, can I have a piece of chicken? Joel Barish:

Then you just took it. It was so intimate. It was like we were already lovers.”) On Valentine’s Day

eve, he goes to the bookstore where Clem works and is astonished and confused after finding

out that Clementine does not recognize him and has a new, much younger boyfriend, who calls

her Tangerine. Later it is shown that Joel gets to know from his friend that Clem had gone to one

Lacuna clinic where the doctors (Ruffalo) practice ECT to make people selectively forget an

emotional memory by creating a map of everything that the person (who wants to forget) of the

other person, then tracing that map in the brain, and erasing the trace. This happens in the

house of the person, while the person is sleeping. Joel is administered a pill and then he goes

off to sleep. The pill is considered to be a beta-blocker. The people from the clinic then enter

Joel’s apartment with all the apparatus required for the procedure and start with the process,

while Joel is fast asleep. The entire movie revolves around the memories Joel has of

Clementine and the entirety of their relationship. Through his lens, we can see that Clementine

is a ray of sunshine, full of life, but at the same time, extremely impulsive. Her mood shifts

between two extremes. Joel on the other hand is shown as a quiet, conserved man, who likes

routine and familiarity. It is later seen that their polar opposite personalities are the reason why

their relationship did not work out and led to the current process where they want to forget each

other. As the process continues, Joel realizes that he does not want to forget everything about

Clem as there are some really good memories that he has of him. While the process is going on

it is shown that Mary (Dunst) and Stan (Ruffalo) are looking for food and liquor in Joel’s

apartment, without his permission, which brings into light the questions of ethics of this

procedure. Soon, due to the disturbance, the now lightly asleep Joel tries to change the traces of Clementine in his memory, hiding her in different places of his memory, which is not present in

the map, in an attempt to save her from getting erased from his memory. This disruption leads to

Stan calling the superior doctor dr. Mierzwiak. When the doctor arrives, he is able to bring the

procedure back on track. While the treatment is going on, Mierzwiak leaves the apartment and

Mary follows him. When she tries to get closer to Mierzwiak, his wife pulls over and watches

this. Mary tries to explain, but finds out that she too, had gone through the procedure of the

Lacuna treatment to erase her memories with Mierzwiak. Shocked and angry, she realizes that

the procedure does not actually work, and in the end the actual emotions always resurfaces and

triumphs over technology. The next day she leaves her job in the clinic and mails every one of

the clients their files and CDs.

Present day

Now to present day, Joel drives Clementine to her home, reaching where she decides she

wants to spend the night at Joel, a decision she takes impulsively. She does not bother about

her current partner, and just decides to leave her flat. Before leaving, she takes her toothbrush

and mail. In her mail, she finds a CD, she plays it in Joel’s car recorder. In the CD, she is heard

saying many negative things about Joel. Highly confused and now furious, Joel demands

Clementine to get off the car. When Joel reaches his apartment, he finds a similar CD, and then

makes sense of what has happened. He regrets his decision.

Back to last night, as Joel is failing to protect memories of Clementine getting erased, it is

shown in the end, that Clem whispers in Joel’s ear to meet her in the beach in Montauk, the

place where they first met. (“Clementine Kruczynski: Meet me in Montauk....”)

End of the Movie

In the end of the movie, it is shown that Clementine and Joel reconnect, and acknowledge each other’s pros and cons.

“Joel Barish: I can't see anything I don't like about you.

Clementine Kruczynski: But you will, you will think of things and I'll get bored with you and feel

trapped because that's what happens with me.

Joel Barish: Okay.

Clementine Kruczynski: Okay”

History Of Clementine

Clementine is a girl in her late 20s. She thinks that her name is derived from the song Oh my

darling Clementine, and thus she says this to everyone the instant she meets them. She has

previously been in many relationships, but none of them worked in the long-term because of

difference in expectations from both sides. From the outside, she seems like a dream, extremely

charming, jolly and gorgeous, but the actual truth can be seen as the story progresses that she

is a girl who is “mentally messed-up and just wants her peace of mind. One thing which can be

noticed about her is that she associates her personality with her hair color and thus tends to

change her hair color a lot (blue, tangerine etc.). She is shown to be extremely impulsive, not

thinking even once about the consequences of her actions, which a lot of her previous partners

have associated with the beautiful concept of “living in the moment.”

Psychological Phenomena

With her impulsive nature, extreme mood changes, severe dependence on alcohol, short-lasting Unstable relationships, reckless behavior and demeaning comments on Joel, according to a lot of critics and psychologists who have studied the movie, she seems to exhibit the traits

borderline personality disorder, although in the movie, no such diagnosis is specifically made.

According of DSM 5, 301.83 (F60.3), the diagnostic features of BPD include a pervasive pattern

of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity,

mostly beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts. A pattern of unstable

and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of

idealization and devaluation, which Clementine clearly showcases through her actions. People

having a borderline personality might have suicidal intentions, which can be seen in Clementine

when she literally enters and walks on thin ice, without fearing that it might break. Their

impulsivity can be self-damaging and they showcase extreme mood reactivity. They can also

have intense, sudden burst of emotions like happiness, anger and crying. The character of

Clementine also showcases dissociative symptoms.

The critical characteristic of borderline persona ailment is a pervasive sample of instability of

interpersonal relationships, self-picture, and affects, and marked impulsivity that begins

Individuals with borderline persona ailment make frantic efforts to keep away from actual or

imagined abandonment (Criterion 1). or the lack of outside structure, can cause profound

modifications in self-picture, affect, cognition, experience excessive abandonment fears and

beside the point anger even if confronted with a actual efforts to keep away from abandonment

may also encompass impulsive movements inclusive of self-mutilating or suicidal behaviors,

which might be defined one at a time in Criterion 5. Individuals with borderline persona ailment

have a sample of risky and excessive These people can empathize with and nurture different

human beings, such shifts frequently mirror disillusionment with a caregiver whose nurturing

traits had been idealized or whose rejection or abandonment is expected. There are unexpected

and dramatic shifts in self picture this is primarily based totally on being horrific or evil, people

with this ailment may also at instances have the man or woman feels a loss of a significant

relationship, nurturing, and support.

Individuals with borderline persona ailment show impulsivity in as a minimum area which can be doubtlessly self-damaging (Criterion 4). with this ailment show recurrent suicidal behavior,

gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior (Criterion 5). self-mutilative acts (e. g., slicing or

burning) and suicide threats and tries are very Recurrent suicidality is frequently the cause that

those people gift for assist. These self-unfavorable acts are typically brought about with the aid

of using threats of separation or rejection or with the aid of using expectancies that the man or woman assumes expanded responsibility. arise at some point of dissociative studies and

frequently brings alleviation with the aid of using reaffirming the cap potential to sense or with

the aid of using expiating the man or woman's experience of being evil. Individuals with

borderline persona ailment may also show affective instability that typically lasting some hours

and simplest hardly ever a number days) (Criterion 6) fundamental dysphoric temper of these

with borderline persona ailment is frequently disrupted with the aid of using durations of anger,

panic, or melancholy and is hardly ever relieved with the aid of using durations of wellbeing.

These episodes may also mirror the man or woman's severe reactivity to interpersonal

Individuals with borderline persona ailment can be bothered with the aid of using continual

sense Individuals with this ailment regularly explicit beside the point, excessive anger or have

difficulty controlling their anger (Criterion 8).

The character of Clementine visibly showcases majority of these criteria.

Critical Analysis

This movie is like a shot of expresso on a sunny day. Each character is brilliantly portrayed by

the respective actors. Oscar winning actress Kate Winslet brilliantly portrays the beauty an flaw

of Clemetine. She is successfully able to enter the mind of Clementine and give us a character

we can associate to. Jim Carrey, who although mostly portrays comedic characters, is

wonderfully able to bring into light the conservative, confused, routine-liking Joel, who has his

own mental battles. The writer and director do a great job to bring this whole new world (this

movie) to life. Even though, this movie does an amazing work in most of the aspects, there are

certain things which needs to be critically looked at. In the movie, it is shown that the doctors in

Lacuna use ECT and beta blockers to do the forgetting procedure. The movie tries to explain

their use, but if we look at this prospect from a pathological point of view, ECT is used for

patients with severe mental abnormality. The electric shocks induce mild seizures in the patient,

thus helping with the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It helps in bringing some

balance to the moods of people who showcase extreme mood reactivity. Side effect of ECT

might lead to memory loss, but no study supports that it particularly effects the hippocampus,

thus helping in memory loss.

The same can be said for the role of beta-blockers, which helps in blocking the effect of

adrenaline and thus slowing down the heart and helping the person to calm down. It has no

clear effect on sleeping.

The treatment plan has not been shared in the movie, but the basic treatment plan for patients

having borderline personality disorder is cognitive behavioral therapy, anti-depressants, and in

severe cases, low doses of medications used for bipolar disorder.

Concluding, this report tries to explain the role BPD plays in the female protagonist, and hints

towards the presence of depression, avoidant personality and anxiety in the male protagonist.


Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind doesn't exactly revolve around psychological abnormality. But it's very well intricated with the theme, which is on a broad spectrum, love. This is one movie, which covers everything that a possible social being wants to, can and cannot control.

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