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Writer's pictureTanuj Suthar

Clearing the Air: Celebrating the Symphony of Freedom from Non-Smoking Living

In a world where every breath of air is another chance at life, there are days lost at chipping away the essence of life, one puff at a time. However, in a world where the air is thick with progress and possibility, there exists a day out of all days, dedicated to liberation: when the shackles of addiction are shattered, and the promise of a smoke-free future beckons like a beacon of hope. No Smoking Day is a cornerstone in the global movement towards healthier living, serving as a rallying cry for individuals to claim their health, their autonomy, and their right to breathe freely. Celebrated annually on the second Wednesday of March, this day is construed as a symbolic beacon of hope amidst the clouds of tobacco smoke, inviting individuals to grow past the need to smoke tobacco and embrace a healthier lifestyle. For a large population, the journey of being smoke-free is a delicate dance – a tango of temptation, addiction, resilience, and liberation. It all starts with a single puff, laid in a fleeting moment of pleasure that parasitically grows into a lifelong habit. The decision to quit smoking is a monumental step towards personal liberation. It is a declaration of autonomy and a testament to the human spirit in overcoming adversity.

At the core of tobacco addiction lies the neuropsychological play of the chemical compound that works as a potent silent killer, namely nicotine. The primary psychoactive component in tobacco, it works on the brain’s reward pathways, flooding the system with the dopaminergic responses of pleasure and relaxation. However, the allure of tobacco goes beyond its chemical dependence, as it is also deeply intertwined with complex psychological factors. Smoking serves as a coping mechanism for many, mainly as a means to manage stress, alleviate anxiety, and sometimes for emotional support for past, unresolved struggles. Looking beyond physiological and psychological cravings is a belief in the illusion of control. A good chunk of chronic smokers believe that they can quit whenever they choose to, yet they find themselves ensnared in a cycle of failed attempts and relapses. This psychological phenomenon is duly named as the ‘Illusion of control bias’, and this gives us a clear picture of how powerful nicotine can be in shaping an individual’s personality. It also intertwines with their self-concept and identity formation, often leading to low self-esteem and skewed self-perception.

The need to take a stand against the incessant and irresponsible method of smoking tobacco can very well be supported by the rise in the number of users in the past few years. In 2023 alone, an estimated 266 million adults aged 15 years and older in India are consumers of tobacco products. Approximately 10.38% of the total Indian population engages in smoking tobacco. Considering the gargantuan population of India, this statistic is certain to raise concerns for the well-being and life longevity of the people in our country. From workplaces to public places, the ripple effect of smoking cessation is profound.

In India, every packet of cigarettes has a warning against smoking being ‘hazardous’ and a gory image of a patient with terminal mouth cancer. I want you, reader, to imagine the extent of temptation someone has for a puff, even after being warned in the most direct, graphic way possible. Also in India, before the start of any movie in a theater, an anti-smoking campaign is played, which is usually led by a celebrity, or a heart-touching commercial tied to the side effects of smoking on one’s family and other life spheres. These are all signs that we as citizens are past the phase of spreading and gaining awareness. Smoking only serves to perpetuate the cycle of self-destruction, at the expense of long-term health and well-being. This is why, now is the time we take strong and effective actions as responsible citizens and empathetic individuals to take a vehement stand against the practice of smoking, and the extended use and abuse of tobacco.

No Smoking Day is more than just a date on a calendar; it stands as a symbol of resilience, hope, and the indomitable human spirit. It signifies the glory of a journey that begins with a single, yet monumental step. By peeling back the layers of habit and addiction, along with emotion and cognition, we can unlock a door to a future rooted in self-awareness, empathy, and empowerment. Let us join hands as we ignite the flame of hope and march forward toward a future where every breath is a testament to the beauty of life, untainted by the cataclysmic shadows of tobacco smoke.

Remember: The path to liberation begins not with the extinguishing of a cigarette, but with the illumination of our own light.


Rai, B., & Bramhankar, M. (2021). Tobacco use among Indian states: Key findings from the latest demographic health survey 2019–2020. Tobacco Prevention and Cessation, 7(March), 1–2.

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